Sunday, 1 April 2012

Meeting Theo Paphitis and Social Media

We've had quite an exciting month here at Little Walton Bank, not only are we chasing orders like mad but we won a Twitter award from Theo Paphitis. If there are any other small businesses out there, you should have a go at #SBS @TheoPaphitis  . Every sunday night between 5.30 and 7.00 you must tweet your business and include #SBS @TheoPaphitis, Theo will then choose 6 of the best and RT (retweet) them. The PR this generates and the list of new followers is pretty impressive. Theo is a keen supporter of small businesses and decided to put on an event to help us out even more, so last Friday we put our lippy on and headed for Edgebaston Cricket ground to meet all our fellow #SBS winners and importantly to meet Theo. We had a great time, it was a very inspiring day and we now feel excited and energised. One of the key points for me was the fact that through social media small businesses can compete with larger organisations, in a way there is a more level playing field, which is good news for us. Theo has even developed  a website for the winners to help us even more, hopefully lots of buyers will use it and find our profile. So if you don't already follow us on Twitter or Facebook here are the links to help you out

For all those who can't cope with too many words here are the pictures !
Theo's chrome car

Hayley about to give a mug to Theo

Thumbs up from Theo
Words of advice
Our official winners photo