Well who'd have thought the trade show would be the easy bit ! I am sat here in my studio surrounded by boxes, bubblewrap, labels and tape, my house now looks like a warehouse. I'm feeling a bit calmer today as I get to spend the whole day working on Little Walton Bank, lately I have been pulled in many directions, I've been to Paris, London , Birmingham and Frankfurt all in the space of 1 month..it sounds quite jetset but the reality is stress and tiredness.
I've actually given the factory another order to meet the demand from Top Drawer, which is very exciting, as I type this there is a pottery in stoke producing our lovely ware and that gives me a great feeling as it means our product will soon be out there in the big wide world !
Anyway first I must say a big thankyou to all my new customers, they have endured invoices with the wrong numbers ( thanks to Hayley this is now something to put behind us ) and one of our lovely customers got a few extra items in her delivery yesterday ! I thought packing an order would be the easy bit, but oh no, especially when you are short on time and tired you do crazy things. Today is my day to take a step back, get some systems in place and keep calm !!!!
Last year one of my dragons said- remember the design side is the easy bit for me...I thought he was being funny, but I would never have guessed the amount of head scratching and pondering invovled in how to pack a box to minimise breakages...at this point I must confess I wished I'd designed a product that was small and not prone to smashing, but as you all know I'm a pot geek at heart and with that comes lots of challenges even if it is how to pack a box !
So despite all the trials and tribulations of the last month I'm still plugging away and as determined as ever to overcome hurdles and crack on with this thing called Little Walton Bank. As I start to send out product I'll update the stockist list...just in case you need get out there and see it in store and if anyone sees our product anywhere unusual let us know we'd love to hear from you.
Once again a big thankyou to everyone who's stuck with us, you're all super nice and super cool !
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