Phew just back from running around the garden trying to catch a couple of escaped chickens, chickens seem to feature heavily in our life at the moment. We are looking after the neighbours and our persistent daughter is trying to make us get our own ! We've just dug up some 'early' potatoes and we are now wondering what to do with them all, it's proving to be a great summer here at Little Walton Bank, the house is nice and warm and the garden is full of veggies and fruit.
Ahh well back to real life and we've been busy for the last few months, fulfilling orders and getting new customers Being in charge of the paperwork has been another learning curve for me as I'm not the most organised person in the world ! I must say I'm looking forward to Hayley returning from maternity leave...I really miss her calm voice of reason and her brilliant approach to all of our new challenges. One of her first jobs will be to update the stockist list on the website as we've got lots of lovely new shops to add.
Here's a photo from WHITE STUFF in Nottingham can you spot my mugs ????? They didn't have many left which made it even more exciting!
And finally I've started working on the next pattern design, we will launch it in Spring so keep your eyes out. At the moment all I can say is it will feature seeds in some shape or form....I'm not being secretive it's just very early days !
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